Our Focal Area


Millions of people struggle to feel safe in their homes and communities each year, especially women and children who frequently experience violence and abuse. Many people are unable to get the resources they require to secure their own safety and heal from abuse because they are trapped in crisis-ridden communities.

We are particularly interested in three core Areas of Protection:

  1. Child Protection
  2. Gender Based Violence
  3. Peace Building


We have always used dialogue in a clearly defined sociocultural environment in order to identify the needs and concerns of our beneficiaries, while forting their participation in decision making processes. We intend to:

Supporting programs that work to ensure that women, children and marginalized groups have equal social and economic choice as dominant groups.
Working with local and national governments as well as non-state actors to make sure that policies and practices are implemented accordingly.
Workshops & Seminars
Organizing and supporting programs that work to ensure that women, children and marginalized groups have equal social and economic choice as dominant groups;  
Advocate for the introduction of ICT and Digital technology at the elementary stage of schooling.

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