Youth in Evaluation Week – Career Seminar

Advancing young people’s participation in evaluation is a growing movement worldwide. Recently the launch of the Youth in Evaluation manifesto in May 2022, has been adopted by over 110 organisations and 400 individuals. These organisations commit to building Young and Emerging Evaluators’ (YEE) capacities and engaging youth and young evaluators meaningfully at all stages of evaluation. To support the delivery of the manifesto, six stakeholder groups (international agencies, governments, VOPEs, academia, youth organisations, the private sector and NGOs) are co-creating standards for enhancing meaningful youth engagement in evaluation. These standards will provide a roadmap to step up practice and accountability towards engaging youth in evaluation. The event builds on the momentum created by the Youth in Evaluation initiative, to further expand commitments and partnerships on advancing youth in evaluation.

This year, Rise to Inspire Africa Initiative organized her first Eval4Action event: Becoming a Global Solution; Preparing the Youth for the World of Work

Preparing youth for the world of work requires a multifaceted approach that includes providing them with the necessary education and training. In addition, it exposes them to real-world experiences and opportunities to develop their skills. This can be achieved through internships, apprenticeships, mentorship programs, and other initiatives that promote practical learning and hands-on experience.

Attendance to the event was Free. To read the snippet from the event, click here.


  • Category: Donation,Seminar
  • Address: Maiduguri, Nigeria (This event has ended)
  • Start: April 26, 2023 9:00 am
  • End: April 26, 2023 3:00 pm

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